Mockup of a digital self control app, which lets the user select the apps they'd like to start using less.

Digital Self-Control Apps

Reduce time spent on distracting apps

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What It Is

Digital Self-Control Apps (DSCAs) are tools - usually browser extensions or mobile apps - that individuals voluntarily adopt to help them reduce time spent on social media and other platforms they consider distractions. DSCAs use a variety of strategies to help users reduce time on distracting platforms, including setting time limits, reminding users of their goals, adding friction, self-tracking and doling out rewards or punishments.

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When To Use It


What Is Its Intended Impact

While these apps vary in the mechanisms they use, they all aim to reduce time spent on platforms that users specify are distracting.

Evidence That It Works

Evidence That It Works

Roffarello and Russis (2023) conducted a meta-analysis of seven field experiments which each tested whether DSCAs were effective in reducing time spent on platforms that users identify as distracting. (Note: a meta-analysis uses statistical techniques to combine the data from multiple studies and estimate an overall effect as if they were one study.) The authors found a statistically significant effect, showing the apps overall reduced time spent by about 0.5 standard deviations, which social scientists generally consider a "moderate effect". 

While the finding above is fairly strong, there are reasons why we can't be confident that it means all - or even many - DSCAs are effective. One reason, mentioned by the authors, is that most of the studies only looked at short term effects (~ 21 days); it is possible that any effect would wear off over time as users lose their initial motivation. Another concern is that most of the studies use a "within-subjects" design (i.e. the study flips the apps on and off for each user) which can distort the apps’ effectiveness. Equally importantly, the seven studies included in the meta-analysis test apps that take different approaches and likely are of varying quality; which is to say it would be hard to conclude that any given DSCA is effective. A final limitation to many of the studies is that they do not inspect how users may be compensating for less time spent on specific apps by spending time on other potentially distracting apps, which Goll & Huffstadt (2024) finds is the case in a study with a small sample of users.

Two additional studies, Kovacs et al., 2019 and Gruning et al, 2023, which were not included in the meta-analysis above, had similar findings and limitations. Gruning et al. (2023), however, included an online experiment to distill what approaches may be more effective; the authors found that while introducing friction (either by forcing a 10 second breathing time, or introducing an interstitial where users were prompted to opt not to open the distracting app) was effective in reducing time using a Tiktok-like video platform, a mere message was ineffective.

Overall, we see promise in Digital Self-Control Apps, but before there are more studies that test individual approaches, ideally using between-subjects design over longer periods, it is hard to confidently say these apps are generally effective.

Why It Matters

Platforms are becoming increasingly proficient in their ability to capture and keep users' attention, which can have an adverse effect on individuals' sense of satisfaction and wellbeing. Digital Self-Control Apps give individuals who are aware of the potential detrimental effects of social media and other engagement platforms a promising way to exercise agency and improve their wellbeing. 

Special Considerations

In general DSCAs are apps that browsers or mobile operating systems would offer as a tool to help users have a more fulfilling online experience. We assume for the most part that social media platforms that aim to maximize engagement would not offer these tools; however, platforms that want to offer a more healthful experience might also adopt these tools so users can, for example, "scroll responsibly". (See, e.g. Instagram’s time limit feature.)

Digital Self-Control Apps may also only be effective for users who choose to use them. There is currently no evidence that forcing the use of DSCA-type interventions would be effective. 

It is likewise likely that only a subset of the strategies are effective in reducing time spent on distracting apps; for example, as suggested by Gruning et al (2023), mere messages reminding users they may want to take a break could be ineffective. This observation is salient when examining any anti-addiction interventions platforms introduce claiming that they are aiming to reduce addiction.


This intervention entry currently lacks photographic evidence (screencaps, &c.)


Achieving Digital Wellbeing Through Digital Self-control Tools: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis

Alberto Monge Roffarello, Luigi De Russis
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction
September 12, 2023

Conservation of Procrastination: Do Productivity Interventions Save Time or Just Redistribute It?

Geza Kovacs, Drew Mylander Gregory, Zilin Ma, Zhengxuan Wu, Golrokh Emami, Jacob Ray, Michael S. Bernstein
CHI '19: Proceedings of the 2019 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems
May 2, 2019

Directing smartphone use through the self-nudge app one sec

Grüning, D. J., Riedel, F., & Lorenz-Spreen, P.
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

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